Production Assistant - 2022
CAST: La Shawn Banks, Jos. N. Banks, Sheldon D. Brown, Richard David, William Dick, Gilbert Domally, Saumel B Jackson, Patrick Blashill, Matthew Lolar,
PRODUCTION TEAM: Tarell Alvin McCraney (Playwright), Kent Gash (Director), Arnel Sancianco (Scenic Designer),
Kara Harmon (Costume Designer), Jason Lynch (Lighting Designer), Pornchanok Kanchanabanca (Sound Designer), Jermaine Hill (Musical Director), Byron Easley (Choreographer), Greg Geffrard​ (Intimacy and Fight Choreographer), Courtney Abbott (Intimacy and Fight Choreographer), ​Stan Brown (Vocal Coach), ​Tom Pearl (Director of Production),
Jc Clementz (Casting), Laura D. Glenn (Production Stage Manager), Michelle Medvin (Production Stage Manager),
Juju Laurie(Assistant Stage Manager), Julie Jachym (Production Assistant)